Author: Vanessa Rodriguez

  • How to make a Web3 resume in 2023

    How to make a Web3 resume in 2023

    With the rapid advancements in technology, the job hunt has become more competitive, and it is now essential to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. Writing a Web3 resume is the way to go. Web3 resumes are quickly becoming the leading way to showcase skills and experiences to potential employers. It […]

  • In-Demand Skills for Web3 Jobs: An Overview

    In-Demand Skills for Web3 Jobs: An Overview

    Are you interested in learning about the skills needed to work in Web3 jobs? As more businesses adopt blockchain technology and entrepreneurs look for new opportunities, knowing Web3 is becoming increasingly important. The rise of Web3 has created an entirely new type of job market. Web3 is more than just a buzzword; it’s a set […]

  • Blockchain Developer Salaries in 2023

    Blockchain Developer Salaries in 2023

    Blockchain developers play an increasingly important role as the industry evolves. In 2023, the average blockchain developer job salary is expected to be higher than ever before as demand for web3 experts continues to surge. This is despite the fact crypto prices were decreasing in 2022. Electric Capital’s annual developer report indicated that full-time cryptocurrency […]

  • What is a DAO? How do they work, and how to join?

    What is a DAO? How do they work, and how to join?

    In the world of Web3, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is gaining traction to facilitate collaboration between individuals and organizations. According to SnapShot Labs, there were more than 6,000 DAOs as of June 2022 compared to roughly 700 in May 2021. Moreover, according to research, as of January 2022, the entire market valuation of all […]

  • How to Learn Solidity in 14 Days For Free (2023)

    How to Learn Solidity in 14 Days For Free (2023)

    As the digital world evolves and grows rapidly, so do the technologies used to power it. Blockchain technology has been no exception – it’s seen explosive growth in recent years, accelerated by the advent of Solidity, smart contracts and Ethereum blockchain. Much of the growth and adoption we’re seeing across the web today can be […]

  • 30 Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job in Web3

    30 Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job in Web3

    Finding a job in web3 can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to the interview process. How do you ensure you stand out with dozens of people vying for the same web3 jobs? Significantly since by 2026, it was projected that the global blockchain market would increase to $67.4 billion. To get one […]

  • How to Write an Effective Cover Letter for Web3 jobs (With Examples)

    How to Write an Effective Cover Letter for Web3 jobs (With Examples)

    It was no secret that the job market is competitive. More so, in the new Web3 jobs world, where there are a limited number of Web3 jobs, it’s essential to make the most of every opportunity. 83% of HR professionals cite the significance of cover letters, that even if your curriculum vitae isn’t strong enough, […]

  • Top 10 Interview Questions for Web3 Jobs

    Top 10 Interview Questions for Web3 Jobs

    As the world of Web3 rapidly expands, Web3 jobs are also becoming in demand. This means the need for talented and experienced professionals is also growing. Preparation is essential if you’re thinking of making a career change. You can look into Web3 jobs or are just starting your career. With the income from the global […]

  • What is Web3?

    What is Web3?

    The Internet has come a long way since it launched in 1969. From humble beginnings as a system for information sharing in universities, it has exploded into a global phenomenon. But the Internet is constantly evolving, and the next phase of its evolution is already upon us: the Web3. Welcome to the evolution of the […]

  • How to Find Remote Jobs (work from home) in web3?

    How to Find Remote Jobs (work from home) in web3?

    People who desire to work from home now have many opportunities thanks to the Internet. In fact, according to research conducted by McKinsey, 87% of Americans will take the chance to work from home, should they receive an offer to do it. If these employees choose to, they can look for remote jobs (work from […]